CD 1: Original Dixieland Jazz Band 1917-19 ORIGINAL DIXIELAND JAZZ BAND 01 Darktown Strutters' Ball (Brooks) 02 Darktown Strutters' Ball (Brooks) 03 Indiana (McDonald - Hanley) 04 Indiana (McDonald - Hanlбълшаey) 05 Livery Stable Blues (ODJB) 06 Dixie Jass Band One-Step (ODJB) 07 Barnyard Blues (ODJB) 08 Ostrich Walk (ODJB) 09 Tiger Rag (ODJB) 10 At The Jazz Band Ball (LaRocca - Shields) 11 Look At 'Em Doing It Now (Shields) 12 Reisenweber Rag (ODJB) 13 Oriental Jaвижцеzz (Sudan) (Sebek) 14 At The Jazz Band Ball (LaRocca-Shields) 15 Ostrich Walk (ODJB) 16 Skeleton Jangle (LaRocca) 17 Tiger Rag (ODJB) 18 Bluin' The Blues (Ragas) 19 Fidgety Feet (War Cloud) (LaRocca - Shields) 20 Sensation Rag (Edwards) 21 Mournin' Blues (Sbarbaro) 22 Clarinet Marmalade (Blues) (Ragas - Shields) 23 Lazy Daddy (LaRocca - Shields - Ragas) CD 2: Original Dixieland Jazz Band 1919-20 ORIGINAL DIXIELAND JAZZ BAND 01 Barnyard Blues (Livery Stable Blues) (ODJB) 0врмми2 At The Jazz Band Ball (LaRocca - Shields) 03 Ostrich Walk (ODJB) 04 Sensation Rag (Edwards) 05 Look At 'Em Doing It (Shields) 06 Tiger Rag (ODJB) 07 Satanic Blues (Shields-Christian) 08 'Lasses Candy (LaRocca) 09 My Baby's Arms (Tierney- McCarthy) 10 Tell Me (Kortlander) 11 I've Got My Captain Working For Me Now (Berlin) 12 I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles (Waltz) (Kenbrovin - Kellette) 13 Mammy O'Mine (Pinkard) 14 I've Lost My Heart In Dixieland (Berlin) 15 Sphinx (Barbour) 16 Alice Blue Gown (Waltz) (Tierney - McCarthy) 17 Soudan (Sebek) 18 Margie (Conrad - Robinson) 19 Palesteena (Conrad - Robinson) 20 Broadway Rose (intro: Dolly I Love You) (West - Fried - Spencer- Arden - Wadworth) 21 Sweet Mamma (Papa's Getting Mad) (intro: Strut, Miss Lizzie) (Rose - Little - Frost/Creamer - Layton) CD 3: King Oliver 1923 KING OLIVER'S CREOLE JAZZ BAND 01 Just Gone (Oliver - Johnson) 02 Canal Street Blues (Oliver-Armstrong) 03 Mandy Lee Blues (Bloom - Melrose) 04втыцр I'm Going Away To Wear You Off My Mind (Smith) 05 Chimes Blues (Oliver) 06 Weather Bird Rag (Armstrong) 07 Dippermouth Blues (Oliver-Armstrong) 08 Froggie Moore (Spike - Spike- Morton) 09 Snake Rag (Oliver - Piron) 10 Snake Rag (Oliver - Piron) 11 Sweet Lovin' Man (Melrose - Hardin) 12 High Society Rag (Steele) 13 Sobbin' Blues (Kassell - Berton) 14 Where Did You Stay Last Night? (Armstrong- Hardin) 15 Dippermouth Blues (Oliver-Armstrong) 16 Jazzin' Babies' Blues (Jones) 17 Alligator Hop (Oliver - Piron) 18 Zulu's Ball (Oliver - Robinson) 19 Workingman Blues (Oliver - Hardin) 20 Krooked Blues (Spike-Spike-Johnson) CD 4: King Oliver 1923-24 KING OLIVER'S JAZZ BAND 01 Chattanooga Stomp (Oliver- Picou) 02 London Cafe Blues (Morton) 03 Camp Meeting Blues (Oliver) 04 New Orleans Stomp (Oliver - Picou) 05 Buddy's Habit (Nelson - Straight) 06 Tears (Armstrong-Hardin) 07 I Ain't Gonna Tell Nobody (Jones) 08 Room Rent Blues (Newton) 09 Riverside Blues (Doвухлэrsey-Jones) 10 Sweet Baby Doll (Thomas - Leroy) 11 Working Man Blues (Oliver- Hardin) 12 Mabel's Dream (Smith) 13 Mabel's Dream (Smith) 14 Mabel's Dream (Smith) 15 The Southern Stomps (Jones) 16 The Southern Stomps (Jones) 17 Riverside Blues (Dorsey - Jones) KING OLIVER / JELLY ROLL MORTON 18 King Porter (Morton) 19 Tom Cat (Morton) BUTTERBEANS AND SUSIE 20 Kiss Me Sweet (Louis - Piron) 21 Construction Gang (Edwards - Edwards) CD 5: New Orleans Rhythm Kings 1922-23 FRIARS SOCIETY ORCHESTRA 01 Eccentric (Robinson) 02 Farewell Blues (Roppolo - Schoebel - Mares) 03 Discontented Blues (Meyers - Schoebel - Miller) 04 Bugle Call Blues (Snyder - Pettis - Brunies) 05 Panama (Tyers) 06 Tiger Rag (ODJB) 07 Livery Stable Blues (ODJB) 08 Oriental (Schoebel - Meyers) NEW ORLEANS RHYTHM KINGS 09 Sweet Lovin' Man (Hardin - Melrose) 10 Sweet Lovin' Man (Hardin - Melrose) 11 That's A Plenty (Pollack) 12 That's A Plenty (Pollack) 13 Shim-Me-Sha-Wabble (Williams) вуыюв14 Shim-Me-Sha-Wabble (Williams) 15 Weary Blues (Matthews) 16 Da Da Strain (Medina - Dowell) 17 Wolverine Blues (Spikes - Morton - Spikes) 18 Wolverine Blues (Spikes - Morton - Spikes) 19 Maple Leaf Rag (Joplin) 20 Tin Roof Blues (New Orleans Rhythm Kings) 21 Tin Roof Blues (New Orleans Rhythm Kings) 22 Tin Roof Blues (New Orleans Rhythm Kings) CD 6: New Orleans Rhythm Kings 1923-25 NEW ORLEANS RHYTHM KINGS 01 Sobbin' Blues (Kassel - Berton) 02 Marguerite (Pierce - Novak) 03 Angry (Brunies-Yules) 04 Angry (Brunies - Yules) 05 Clarinet Marmalade (Shields) 06 Clarinet Marmalade (Shields) 07 Mr Jelly Lord (Morton) 08 Mr Jelly Lord (Morton) 09 London Blues (Morton) 10 Milenbergjoys (Roppolo - Mares - Morton) 11 Milenbergjoys (Roppolo - Mares - Morton) 12 Mad (Cause You Treat Me This Way) (McHugh - Heath) 13 Baby (Pecora - Newman) 14 I Never Knew What A Gal Could Do (Schoebel) 15 She's Crying For Me Blues (Pecora) 16 Golden Leaf Strut (Milenberg Joys)вуяпр (Mare - Roppolo) 17 She's Cryin' For Me (Pecora) 18 She's Cryin' For Me (Pecora) 19 Everybody Loves Somebody Blues (But Nobody Loves Me) (Long-Mares-Pecora) 20 Everybody Loves Somebody Blues (But Nobody Loces Me) (Long - Mares - Pecora) CD 7: New Orleans Jazz 1924-25 JOHNNY DE DROIT AND HIS NEW ORLEANS ORCHESTRA 01 Panama (Tyers) 02 Nobody Knows Blues (De Droit - McNamara) 03 New Orleans Blues (De Droit) 04 The Swing (De Droit) 05 Brown Eyes (De Droit) 06 Number Two Blues (De Droit) FATE MARABLE'S SOCIETY SYNCOPATORS 07 Frankie And Johnny (Trad) 08 Pianoflage (Bargy) ORIGINAL CRESCENT CITY JAZZERS 09 Sensation Rag (Edwards) 10 Christine (Loposer- Murphy) JOHNNY BAYERSDORFFER AND HIS JAZZOLA NOVELTY ORCHESTRA 11 I Wonder Where My Easy Rider's Riding Now? (Bayersdorffer- Brown) 12 The Waffle Man's Call (Loyocano - Scaglioni) HALFWAY HOUSE ORCHESTRA 13 Pussy Cat Rag (Brunies-Cordelia - Marcour) 14 Barataria (Eastwood-Adde) TOBIN'S MIDNIGHT SERENADERS вфбоа15 I'm Afraid To Care For You (Frank-Owen) ANTHONY PARENTI AND HIS FAMOUS MELODY BOYS 16 That's A Plenty (Pollack- Gilbert) 17 Cabaret Echoes (Parenti) BROWNLEE'S ORCHESTRA OF NEW ORLEANS 18 Dirty Rag (unknown) ORIGINAL TUXEDO JAZZ ORCHESTRA 19 Original Tuxedo Rag (Trad) 20 Careless Love (Handy) 21 Black Rag (Ridgely) ANTHONY PARENTI AND HIS FAMOUS MELODY BOYS 22 Dizzy Lizzie (Parenti - Lubowski) 23 French Market Blues (Parenti - Lubowski) CD 8: Jelly Roll Morton Groups 1923-26 JELLY ROLL MORTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA 01 Big Foot Ham (Big Fat Ham) (Morton) 02 Big Foot Ham (Big Fat Ham) (Morton) 03 Muddy Water Blues (Morton) JELLY ROLL MORTON'S JAZZ BAND 04 Some Day Sweetheart (Morton - Spike - Spike) 05 London Blues (Morton) JELLY ROLL MORTON'S STEAMBOAT FOUR 06 Mr Jelly Lord (Morton) JELLY ROLL MORTON'S STOMP KINGS OR JAZZ KIDS 07 Steady Roll (Stitzel) JELLY ROLL MORTON'S KINGS OFJAZZ 08 Fish Tail Blues (Morton) 09 High Society (Steele) 10 Weary вфвчзBlues (Matthews) 11 Tiger Rag (LaRocca) JELLY ROLL MORTON AND HIS JAZZ TRIO 12 My Gal (Melrose) Clarinet Solo VOLTAIRE DE FAUT 13 Wolverine Blues (Morton - Spikes - Spikes) JELLY ROLL MORTON'S INCOMPARABLES 14 Mr Jelly Lord (Morton) ST LOUIS LEVEE BAND 15 Soap Suds (Martin) JELLY ROLL MORTON'S RED HOT PEPPERS 16 Black Bottom Stomp (Morton) 17 Smoke House Blues (Morton) 18 The Chant (Stitzel) 19 The Chant (Stitzel) 20 Sidewalk Blues (Morton) 21 Sidewalk Blues (Morton) 22 Dead Man Blues (Morton) 23 Dead Man Blues (Morton) 24 Steamboat Stomp (Morton) CD 9: Jelly Roll Morton 1926-27 JELLY ROLL MORTON'S RED HOT PEPPERS 01 Someday Sweetheart (Spikes - Spikes) 02 Someday Sweetheart (Spikes - Spikes) 03 Grandpa's Spells (Morton) 04 Grandpa's Spells (Morton) 05 Original Jelly Roll Blues (Morton) 06 Original Jelly Roll Blues (Morton) 07 Dr Jazz (Morton) 08 Cannon Ball Blues (Morton) 09 Cannon Ball Blues (Morton) 10 Hyena Stomp (Morton) 11 Hyena Stompвфгрв (Morton) 12 Billy Goat Stomp (Morton) 13 Billy Goat Stomp (Morton) 14 Wild Man Blues (Morton - Armstrong) 15 Wild Man Blues (Morton - Armstrong) 16 Jungle Blues (Morton) 17 Jungle Blues (Morton) 18 Beale Street Blues (Handy) 19 Beale Street Blues (Handy) 20 The Pearls (Morton) 21 The Pearls (Morton) CD 10: Jelly Roll Morton 1928-29 LEVEE SERENADERS 01 Midnight Mama (Morton) 02 Mr Jelly Lord (Morton) JELLY ROLL MORTON'S RED HOT PEPPERS 03 Georgia Swing (Morton - Pecora) 04 Kansas City Stomps (Morton) 05 Shoe Shiner's Drag (Morton) 06 Boogaboo (Morton) 07 Shreveport (Morton) 08 Shreveport (Morton) 09 Mournful Serenade (Oliver) JELLY ROLL MORTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA 10 Red Hot Pepper (Morton) 11 Deep Creek (Morton) 12 Burnin' The Iceberg (Morton) 13 Burnin' The Iceberg (Morton) 14 Courthouse Bump (Morton) 15 Courthouse Bump (Morton) 16 Pretty Lil (Morton) 17 Pretty Lil (Morton) 18 Sweet Aneta Mine (Morton) 19 Sweet Aneta Mine (Morton) s) 20 New вфдаыOrleans Bump (Morton) 21 New Orleans Bump (Morton) 22 Down My Way (Morton) 23 Try Me Out (Morton) 24 Tank Town Bump (Morton) 25 Tank Town Bump (Morton) CD 11: Louis Armstrong 1924 Vol 1 FLETCHER HENDERSON AND HIS ORCHESTRA 01 Manda (Sissle- Blake) 02 Go Long, Mule (Creamer - King) 03 Tell Me, Dreamy Eyes (Kahn - Spitalny- Gordon) 04 My Rose Marie (DeSylva - Henderson - King) 05 Don't Forget, You'll Regret Day By Day (Dowell) 06 Shanghai Shuffle (Rodemich -Conley) CLARENCE WILLIAMS' BLUE FIVE 07 Texas Moaner Blues (Barnes-Williams) 08 Early In The Morning (Higgins - Overstreet) 09 You've Got The Right Key, But The Wrong Keyhole (Green) FLETCHER HENDERSON AND HIS ORCHESTRA 10 Words (Spencer) 11 Words (Spencer) 12 Copenhagen (Davis) 13 Copenhagen (Davis) CLARENCE WILLIAMS' BLUE FIVE 14 Of All The Wrongs You've Done To Me (Payton - Smith) 15 Everybody Loves My Baby (But My Baby Don't Love Nobody But Me) (Williams-Palmer) JOSEPHINE BEATTY acc by RED OвфднеNION JAZZ BABIES 16 Everybody Loves My Baby (Williams - Palmer) FLETCHER HENDERSON AND HIS ORCHESTRA 17 Shanghai Shuffle (Rodemich - Conley) 18 Naughty Man (Redman - Dixon) 19 Naughty Man (Redman - Dixon) JOSEPHINE BEATTY acc by RED ONION JAZZ BABIES 20 Texas Moaner Blues (Barnes-Williams) 21 Of All The Wrongs You've Done To Me (Payton-Smith) FLETCHER HENDERSON 22 One Of These Days (Hoffman) 23 My Dream Man (Dale) 24 My Dream Man (Dale) CD 12: Louis Armstrong 1924 Vol 2 FLETCHER HENDERSON 01 The Meanest Kind Of Blues (Katzman) 02 Naughty Man (Redman - Dixon) 03 How Come You Do Me Like You Do (Austin - Pergere) 04 How Come You Do Me Like You Do (Austin - Pergere) 05 How Come You Do Me Like You Do (Austin - Pergere) 06 Araby (Edwards) 07 Everybody Loves My Baby (Williams-Palmer) 08 Everybody Loves My Baby (Williams - Palmer) 09 Naughty Man (Redman - Dixon) MARGARETJOHNSON 10 Papa, Mama's All Alone (Williams-Higgins) 11 Changeable Daddy Of Mine (Wooвфдчзding - Schaffer) RED ONION JAZZ BABIES 12 Terrible Blues (Williams) 13 Santa Claus Blues (Straight - Kahn) SIPPIE WALLACE 14 Baby, I Can't Use You No More (Wallace) 15 Trouble Everywhere I Roam (Thomas-Wallace) FLETCHER HENDERSON AND HIS ORCHESTRA 16 Prince Of Wails (Schoebel) 17 Prince Of Wails (Schoebel) 18 Prince Of Wails (Schoebel) 19 Mandy (Clarke-Turk-Meyer-Johnson) 20 Mandy (Clarke-Turk-Meyer-Johnson) CLARENCE WILLIAMS BLUE FIVE 21 Mandy, Make Up Your Mind (Clarke-Turk-Meyer-Johnson) 22 I'm A Little Blackbird (Looking For A Bluebird) (Clarke) RED ONION JAZZ BABIES / JOSEPHINE BEATTY 23 Nobody Knows The Way I Feel 'Dis Mornin' (Delaney) 24 Early Every Morn' (Higgins-Overstreet) 25 Cake Walkin' Babies From Home (Williams-Smith-Troy) CD 13: Louis Armstrong 1925 In New York Vol 1 EVA TAYLOR ace by CLARENCE WILLIAMS' BLUE FIVE 01 Cake Walkin' Babies From Home (Williams - Smith - Troy) 02 Pickin' On Your Baby (Reynolds - James) FLETCHER HENDERSON AвфдэзND HIS ORCHESTRA 03 I'll See You In My Dreams (Kahn - Jones) 04 Why Couldn't It Be Poor Little Me? (Kahn - Jones) 05 I'll See You In My Dreams (Kahn - Jones) 06 I'll See You In My Dreams (Kahn - Jones) 07 Why Couldn't It Be Poor Little Me? (Kahn - |ones) 08 Why Couldn't It Be Poor Little Me? (Kahn - Jones) 09 Why Couldn't It Be Poor Little Me? (Kahn - Jones) 10 Bye And Bye (Pease - Nelson - Vincent) 11 Play Me Slow (Hagen - O' Flynn) 12 Play Me Slow (Hagen - O' Flynn) 13 Alabamy Bound (DeSylva - Henderson) 14 Alabamy Bound (DeSylva - Henderson) 15 Alabamy Bound (DeSylva - Henderson) 16 Swanee Butterfly (Rose - Donaldson) 17 Swanee Butterfly (Rose - Donaldson) 18 Swanee Butterfly (Rose - Donaldson) 19 Poplar Street Blues (Short - Mont) 20 Twelfth Street Blues (Heagney) 21 Me Neenyah (My Little One) (Brown- Spencer) CLARENCE WILLIAMS' BLUE FIVE 22 Cast Away (Waitz) (Brown - Easton- Stewart) 23 Papa De-Da-Da (Williams - Todd) CD 14: Louis Armstrong 1925 Iвфедеn New York Vol 2 FLETCHER HENDERSON AND HIS ORCHESTRA 01 Memphis Bound (Banta - DeRose) 02 When You Do What You Do (Parish - Johnson) 03 I'll Take Her Back If She Wants To Come Back (Monaco - Leslie) 04 Money Blues (Leader - Coleman - Eller) 05 Money Biues (Leader - Coleman - Eller) 06 Sugarfoot Stomp (Oliver - Armstrong) 07 What-Cha-Call-'Em Blues (Roberts) SOUTHERN SERENADERS 08 Miss My Swiss (Baer - Gilbert) 09 Alone At Last (Kahn - FioRito) CLARENCE WILLIAMS' BLUE FIVE 10 Just Wait 'Til You See My Baby Do The Charleston (Simmons - Todd - Williams) 11 Livin' High Sometimes (Belledna - Pinkard) 12 Coal Cart Blues (Armstrong - Hardin) 13 Santa Claus Blues (Straight - Kahn) CLARENCE WILLIAMS' TRIO 14 Santa Claus Blues (Straight - Kahn) FLETCHERHENDERSON AND HIS ORCHESTRA 15 TNT (Schoebel) 16 Carolina Stomp (Bloom - Costello) CLARENCE WILLIAMS' BLUE FIVE 17 Squeeze Me (Williams - Waller) 18 You Can't Shush Katie (The Gabbiest Gal In Town) (White - Creвфекжamer - Warren) PERRY BRADFORD'S JAZZ PHOOLS 19 Lucy Long (Bradford) 20 I Ain't Gonna Play No Second Fiddle (Bradford) CD 15: The Wolverine Orchestra / The Sioux City Six / Bix Beiderbecke And His Rhythm Jugglers THE WOLVERINE ORCHESTRA 01 Fidgety Feet (LaRocca - Shields) 02 Jazz Me Blues (Delaney) 03 Oh Baby (Donaldson -deSylva) 04 Copenhagen (Davis - Melrose) 05 Riverboat Shuffle (Carmichael - Voynow- Mills) 06 Susie (Of The Islands) (Naset - Kahn) 07 Susie (Of The Islands) (Naset- Kahn) 08 I Need Some Pettin' (King - FioRito - Kahn) 09 Royal Garden Blues (Williams-Williams) 10 Tiger Rag (LaRocca) 11 Sensation (Edwards) 12 Lazy Daddy (LaRocca - Shields - Ragas) 13 Lazy Daddy (LaRocca - Shields - Ragas) 14TiaJuana (Rodemich-Conley) 15 Big Boy (Ager-Yellen) THE SIOUX CITY SIX 16 Flock O'Blues (Bloom) 17 I'm Glad (Trumbauer) BIX BEIDERBECKE AND HIS RHYTHM JUGGLERS 18 Toddlin' Blues (LaRocca - Shields) 19 Davenport Blues (Beiderbecke) WOLVERINE ORCHESвфеснTRA 20 When My Sugar Walks Down The Street (Austin - McHugh - Mills) 21 Prince Of Wails (Schoebel) CD 16: The Bucktown Five / Stomp Six / (Hitch's) Happy Harmonists THE BUCKTOWN FIVE 01 Steady Roll Blues (Stitzel - Bates) 02 Steady Roll Blues (Stitzel - Bates).
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